Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00

How It Works

Titan fund recovery targets unlicensed binary options and forex companies, with the goal to recover funds for you, the client.

Our service will begin with your free consultation and case evaluation. One of our specialist consultants will discuss your case and asses whether it is something we can help you with. If we can take your case you will be given the price for operational costs and/or any costs if successful with your case. We will then proceed with the process that best suits your case. For example:


Fraud Related Chargebacks

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Service Related Chargebacks

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Wire Recall

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Credit/Debit Card Disputes

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Private Investigation

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Travel Insurance

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

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Even though the company you worked with may appear to be legitimate, it’s always best to contact us and run your case by your fund recover consultant.

Most binary options and forex companies are now situated in countries where the laws are lax. These countries may sometimes support weak bodies calling themselves regulatory commissions.

Due to the nature of theses countries some regulatory bodies can be, at best, titular and in the worst cases non-existent.

Some binary options and forex companies may also claim on their website or over the phone that they are regulated by respected commissions. If you are unsure, do not hesitate, contact titan fund recovery today so we can help with your case.

If you’ve lost money to scammers, don’t hesitate, contact us now and we’ll work with you to get your money back!

0 1500

Happy customers

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0 150

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About Assurena

Providing Full Range of Insurance Services.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud nisi et exercitation ullamco laboris Lorem nisi ut aliquip.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, sunt in culpa qui officia when an unknown.
Claim Ratio
85 %
Risk Management
95 %
Customer Satisfaction
100 %

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We are looking for Life Insurance Brokers to join the team’s Life & Finance division.

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Compare rates from companies you trust. Pay 30% less than the average market rate.